Here is a revision of a ramble originally posted Sept. 26 on my Facebook page (
Yesterday I posted about what I considered to be the most important question that anyone must ask when considering methods of self defense; namely, are you ready and willing to kill someone to protect yourself & your loved ones. By now, those of you who saw that post should have come to an honest answer for yourself. So, if you ARE willing to do whatever is necessary to protect you & yours, what gun is the best for home defense? The short answer is, what ever you feel most comfortable with. Let's be honest here. When someone invades your home, you're going to be scared half out of your mind and the adrenaline is going to pumping like mad. Fine coordination will have flown out the window and so will have any semblance of clear thinking unless you are very well trained indeed, and most of us do not have the time in our busy lives for that sort of intensive training. Hell, even many veterans will find themselves in the same boat. So first thing to do, especially if you have little experience with firearms, is head to your local range and shoot as many guns in as many different calibers as you can. If they offer classes, take one or 2, or even a dozen. Hell, take the classes even if you have many years of experience shooting. Find out what feels good in your hands, what points naturally every time you pick it up. Find out what calibers you can handle well and which ones scare you. Try everything, even those that most macho men would sneer at. I know plenty will sneer at a .380 as underpowered and useless for REAL defense, but like Iraqvet8888, I've noticed that none of these big macho men will volunteer to let you shoot them with that "wimpy" .380. So there's your homework for this weekend. Go out and have fun with it, and next week I'll start talking about my picks and the reasons for them.
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September 2018